Human Formation


Human Formation. We believe that genuine formation is founded on the Christian understanding of the
human person; therefore, through practice of the responsible use of their freedom and growth in virtue,
our students become mature masters of themselves and their own formation.

We assist our students in reaching authentic maturity that is expressed in the coherency
between what they believe and what they do. This is achieved through the formation of an upright
conscience to choose the authentic good, by exercising reason enlightened by faith and the will
over one’s actions, passions, and emotions.

1. We foster a school atmosphere imbued with Christl-ike charity, as conducive to the development of the
students, allowing genuine friendships, relationships, and community to flourish.

2. We reinforce the educational process with formative discipline and positive motivation
adapted to the age and maturity of the students and simultaneously we help them to interiorize the
principles and virtues behind the norms so they can be freely chosen.

Join Our Royalmont Family

Are you ready to give your child the gift of a lifelong love of learning and faith? Request information, schedule a visit, or begin the application process for the coming school year. Be part of a community that has been forming Christian leaders for over 29 years.